Friday, April 2, 2010

VPN Server on Windows XP

The following page details the steps necessary to create a WindowsXP VPN Server
Go to Start / Settings / Network Connections Start the New Connection Wizard

3. Click on the Next button
4. Select Set up advanced connection

5. Click on the Next button.
6. Click on Accept incoming connections

7. Click on the Next button
8. At the LPT1 page, skip it and just click on the Next button.

9. Click on Allow virtual private connection

10. Click on the Next button
11.Add user accounts that you want to be able to connect to your WindowsXP computer.

12.Click on the Next button.
13.Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click on Properties

14. Determine how you want the remote computers to get their IP address

19.The above example will assign IP addresses to each client. Make sure the IP scheme is the same as on your server.
20.Submitted by Andy Bloss

If the VPN server is behind a router, Port Mapping will need to be done on the router. Standard port usage is 1723 for PPTP. You might also need to configure your router for PPTP Passthrough. Port usage for IPSec is 500, 50-51. These ports will have to be forwarded to the VPN server's IP

Reference Link

Thursday, April 1, 2010

How to Set Default Page on Selected Website in apache

This articale will explain how to you set default page on selected website in apache web Server for expamle default page indexes like this index.html index.php default.php and so on but you need to set default page would be default.htm on Selected Website then,

You need to do given bellow changes in apche on selected website

<VirtualHost *:8O>
DocumentRoot /home/username/public_html/
User username
Group groupname
DirectoryIndex default.htm

How To upload Web Site Through DreamWeaver

First Map your web site when you mapping your web site then you will see an Advance Tab click on it.
Click on Remote info
Now select Access select FTP
It need some information

FTP Host                          FTP Server Name/IP

Host Directory                  public_html/httpdocs/www or (Directory with respect
                                         to your hosting service provider)

Login                                Enter Your User Name
Password                         Enter Your Password

When you Folder Mapped then upload it at server

When you complete or Edit any page click on selected page and just press Clt+Shif+U then you updated file uploaded