Monday, December 20, 2010

Centralized Backup Server With Amanda On CentOS

This document describes how to set up a centralized network backup with Amanda. We will use virtual tape to store the backup.
In my environment, I have 2 Linux servers that I want to backup. (Alpha) : /home/kulathep (Beta) : /data and /var
I am going to build a new server with Amanda as a centralized backup server. (Gamma)

Setup Server (Gamma)

1. Install Amanda with yum:

yum -y install amanda*

2. Edit Amanda conf in xinetd.d:

vi /etc/xinetd.d/amanda
vi /etc/xinetd.d/amandaidx
vi /etc/xinetd.d/amidxtape

Change Disable = yes to Disable = no.
3. Copy Amanda conf files:

cp -r /etc/amanda/DailySet1 /etc/amanda/intra

4. Edit amanda.conf:

vi /etc/amanda/intra/amanda.conf

org "Configuration name"
mailto "email"
netusage 600 Kbps
dumpcycle 2 weeks
runspercycle 10
tapecycle 15 tapes
#tpchanger "chg-manual"
tpchanger "chg-disk"
changerfile "/etc/amanda/intra/changer"
#tapedev "null:"
tapedev "file:/backup/intra/slots"
#tapetype HP-DAT
#labelstr "^DailySet1-[0-9][0-9]*$"
tapetype HARDDISK
define tapetype HARDDISK {
comment “Backup to Virtual Tape”
length 3072 mbytes # each tape is 3 Gigs
# amrecover_changer "null:"
amrecover_changer "changer"
#infofile "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/curinfo" # database DIRECTORY
#logdir "/etc/amanda/ DailySet1" # log directory
#indexdir "/etc/amanda/ DailySet1/index" # index directory
infofile "/var/log/amanda/intra/curinfo" # database DIRECTORY
logdir "/var/log/amanda/intra" # log directory
indexdir "/var/log/amanda/intra/index" # index directory

With this configuration, Amanda will do a full backup every 2 weeks, and an incremental backup every week day. The backup will be stored and rotated on 15 virtual tapes.
5. Edit disklist (tell Amanda which servers, directory to backup, what dumptype to use).

vi /etc/amanda/intra/disklist

Remove every lines including “localhost /etc comp-root-tar” at the end of the file. And add:

alpha /home/kulathep comp-user-tar
beta /data comp-user-tar
beta /var comp-user-tar

Note: See amanda.conf for the dumptype.

6. Edit hosts file:

vi /etc/hosts alpha beta

7. Create backup directory (we will store the backup here):

mkdir -p -m 770 /backup/intra/slots
chown -R amanda:disk /backup

8. Create tape list:

touch /etc/amanda/intra/tapelist
chown –R amanda:disk /etc/amanda/intra

9. Create slots (virtual tapes):

su - amanda
cd /backup/intra/slots
for ((i=1; $i<=15; i++)); do mkdir slot$i; done
ln -s slot1 data

10. Test virtual tapes:

/usr/sbin/ammt -f file:/backup/intra/slots status

11. Label the virtual tapes:

for ((i=1; $i<=15; i++)); do /usr/sbin/amlabel intra intra-$i slot $i; done

12. Reset the tape:

/usr/sbin/amtape intra reset

13. Edit .amandahosts to allow communications from clients:

vi /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts

alpha amanda
beta amanda
gamma amanda

14. Start xinetd service:

su –
service xinetd start

15. Check amanda process:

lsof grep amanda

Set Up Client

1. Install amanda client with yum:

yum -y install amanda-client

2. Edit file .amandahosts to allow communications from server:

vi /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts

gamma amanda

3. Edit xinetd.d:

vi /etc/xinetd.d/amanda

Disable = no

4. Start xinetd:

service xinetd start

5. Check Amanda service:

lsof grep amanda

Backup Data

1. Check tapes and clients on server:

su - amanda
/usr/sbin/amcheck intra

2. Dump manually:

/usr/sbin/amdump intra

3. Add amdump to cron:

crontab –e

0 16 * * 1-5 /usr/sbin/amcheck -m intra
45 0 * * 2-6 /usr/sbin/amdump intra

The first line checks the tape/clients and sends an email if it found something wrong (no email if everything is okay) at 4pm.

The second line dumps at 12.45am on weekdays.

Restore Data

1. Prepare tapes:

cd /tmp
/usr/sbin/amtape intra slot 1 # select slot1 (tape1)
/usr/sbin/ammt -t file:/backup/intra/slots rewind # rewind

2.1. Restore everything from every server:

/usr/sbin/amrestore file:/backup/intra/slots

2.2. Restore only a server and a directory:

/usr/sbin/amrestore file:/backup/intra/slots beta /var

3. Extract:

tar xvf

Referance Website:

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