Wednesday, December 8, 2010

iRedOS-0.6.0: Open Source Mail Server With Postfix, Dovecot, Amavisd, ClamAV, SpamAssassin, RoundCube

3 Install The Base System And iRedMail 0.6.0
Boot from iredos. Press at the boot prompt:

Choose your language:

Select your keyboard layout:

I'm installing CentOS 5.5 on a fresh system, so I answer Yes to the question Would you like to initialize this drive, erasing ALL DATA?

Now we must select a partitioning scheme for our installation. For simplicity's sake I select Remove all partitions on selected drives and create default layout.

Answer the following question (Are you sure you want to do this?) with Yes:

On to the network settings. The default setting here is to configure the network interfaces with DHCP, but we are installing a server, so static IP addresses are not a bad idea... Click on the Edit button at the top right.

In the window that pops up uncheck Use dynamic IP configuration (DHCP) and Enable IPv6 support and give your network card a static IP address (in this tutorial I'm using the IP address for demonstration purposes) and a suitable netmask (e.g.

Set the hostname manually, e.g., and enter a gateway (e.g. and one DNS servers (e.g. ):

Choose your time zone, don't select System clock uses UTC:

Give root a password:

The installation begins. This will take a few minutes:

Now the CentOS installation has finished, start to install iredmail; if you selected No, the system would reboot and would not install iredmail.

Choose the directory that will be used to store users' mailboxes.

Choose the backend to store virtual domains and virtual users. Here we use OpenLDAP.

LDAP suffix, normally it's your domain name, such as: dc=example,dc=com:

Set password for LDAP server admin: cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com

Set the MySQL root password:

Add your first virtual domain, e.g.:

Set password for the virtual domain admin:, you can log into iRedadmin and Awstats with this account.

Set password for the first normal user for the first virtual domain:

Select optional components:

Select the default language for your webmail application:

The installation is now finished, please reboot the machine:

4 Test The Mail System
4.1 Webmail RoundCube
Since RoundCube 0.31, it starts to support plugins. By default, iRedMail enables the two plugins "password" and "managesieve", so you can change the password and set up a vacation autoresponder. You can also enable the other plugins according to your needs.
Log into the RoundCube, use the first user

The account has received two emails, read them carefully.Note: because is a root alias, it receives system emails.

Setting up a vacation autoresponder:

4.2 iRedAdmin Open Source Edition
iRedAdmin Open Source Edition is a web-based iRedMail admin panel, it allows you to add, remove and edit domains, users and domain admin accounts. If you need more features, you can check the full-featured edition.
Log into iRedAdmin:


Mail Domains:

Mail Users:

Mail Admin:

Create new mail user:

Select language:

4.3 phpLDAPAdmin
Log into phpLDAPAdmin: cn=manager,dc=example,dc=com

Manage the mail account:

4.4 Awstats
Log into Awstats:

Check the statistics:

5 Important Things You Should Know After Installation
· Read the file /root/iRedMail/ first, it contains:
o User password and related sensitive information.
o Location of mail serve related software configuration files and other important information.
· Setup DNS record for SPF
· Setup DNS record for DKIM
· iRedMail Admin Guide

6.1 Why do I receive my email with a delay?
iRedMail provides greylisting features with Policyd (v1.8.x), Greylisting is effective because many mass e-mail tools utilized by spammers are not set up to handle temporary failures (or any failures for that matter) so the Spam is never received. This feature can reduce e-mail traffic up to 50%, but would cause the first time receive email delay. You can enable or disable the greylisting.
On RHEL/CentOS, config file is /etc/postfix-policyd.conf:
# 1=on 0=off GREYLISTING=1
Restart Policyd and reload Postfix.

6.2 How to upgrade iRedMail to the newest version?
You can use YUM to update the packages. There's an official iRedMail Upgrade Tutorial.

6.3 How to enable disclaimers for outgoing mails?
Find the below lines in /etc/amavisd.conf:
# ------------ Disclaimer Setting ---------------# Uncomment this line to enable singing disclaimer in outgoing mails.#$defang_maps_by_ccat{+CC_CATCHALL} = [ 'disclaimer' ];
Uncomment the line and restart amavis/amavisd service, then you get it. Don't forget to read@disclaimer_options_bysender_maps in /etc/amavisd.conf for disclaimer content settings.

6.4 How to batch create users?
You must modify the script first, change ldap suffix, bind dn and bind password.
# cd /path/to/iRedMail-x.y.z/tools/# sh user01 user02 user03

6.5 Anti-Virus & Anti-Spam - how to turn them on or off?
iRedMail uses Amavisd-new as interface between MTA and MDA, it will invoke SpamAssassin for anti-spam and ClamAV for anti-virus. You can turn them on or off in /etc/amavisd.conf.
# @bypass_virus_checks_maps = (1); # controls running of anti-virus code# @bypass_spam_checks_maps = (1); # controls running of anti-spam code# $bypass_decode_parts = 1; # controls running of decoders&dearchivers
Default settings are both enabled, you can uncomment them to bypass (turn off) them. Value '1' means disabled.

6.6 How to create your own SSL key?
If you want to create your own SSL key, you can download:
# wget
Edit the related info in the script:
# SSL key.export SSL_CERT_FILE="${ROOTDIR}/certs/iRedMail_CA.pem"export SSL_KEY_FILE="${ROOTDIR}/private/iRedMail.key"export TLS_COUNTRY='CN'export TLS_STATE='GuangDong'export TLS_CITY='ShenZhen'export TLS_COMPANY="${HOSTNAME}"export TLS_DEPARTMENT='IT'export TLS_HOSTNAME="${HOSTNAME}"export TLS_ADMIN="root@${HOSTNAME}"
Run the script:
# bash
SSL keys were generated:- /root/certs/iRedMail_CA.pem- /root/private/iRedMail.key
Back up the old ssl_key, and copy the new key to:
/etc/pki/tls/certs/iRedMail_CA.pem /etc/pki/tls/private/iRedMail.key

This artical taken from

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